Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things, mostly

Align Center

Pink Taylor is a boy, and he's cool with that.

Mason James is my son's name. But that's only because I thought Pink was a girl's name.

So fancy. And he made sure we knew that it was a "colored" population. Huh?

We're about 1100 names away, friends. Sweet. We're thinking of a Indexers BBQ in April? March has too many parties already. May is crazy school month. People holiday in June. So, April.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Shelby,
    My name is Georgia Crouch and I live in Pleasant View. I've had the pleasure of getting to know your mother, Chris. She is an indexing/arbitrating marvel! My husband and I are the indexing coordinators in the stake here so your Mom thought I would enjoy seeing your blog. It is cute and funny and sweet! Indexing is such a unique experience. I don't believe there is anything that can even compare.

    Anyway, I'm a blogger too. If you ever have time check me out at

    Keep on indexing! Keep on blogging too!
