Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things, mostly

Align Center

Pink Taylor is a boy, and he's cool with that.

Mason James is my son's name. But that's only because I thought Pink was a girl's name.

So fancy. And he made sure we knew that it was a "colored" population. Huh?

We're about 1100 names away, friends. Sweet. We're thinking of a Indexers BBQ in April? March has too many parties already. May is crazy school month. People holiday in June. So, April.

Monday, February 8, 2010

So Good.

You guys are doing great. I love seeing the numbers go up! I guess it was announced that we're trying to get 75,000 by the end of February - not Valentines Day. Looks like that was the right move.

Today we have 68,969.

I indexed a Hawaii one in Hawaii.