Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What does Wm Stand for?

Krista called wondering what a capital "W" with a lowercase "m" superscripted and underlined beside it meant. It's William. Why does that name get an abbreviation and no others? It's a mystery.


  1. Other names get abbrev.s in the phone book. Geo, Jos, Jas for George, Joseph, and James, respectively.

  2. I'm a little depressed...
    When I started indexing I remember reading about these abbreviations and I thought I was to index the name not the abbreviation.
    I recently read in the field help that they want the abbreviation written and not the full name.... is this new? Or have I been doing it wrong the whole time?
    Why is it that just when I think I have figured it out, it feels like it changes?

  3. Personally I thought wm means whisper me o.o
